Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Fort Myers CrossFit TB WOD Wed.5/4/2011

Core Lift:
Bench Press
5 x 50%, 5 x 55%, 3 x 60%, 2 x 65%, 1 x 70%, (4 x 6 x 80%)

WOD: 4 Teams work to do AMRAP in 30 min.
Push Ups x 5 on MB
Pull Ups x 5

Clean and Jerk - 5x, 4x, 3x, 2x, 1x, 1x, 1x - start at 95# and add weight each set

WOD: For Time
50x 105# Curtis P (Power Clean, Lunge EACH leg, Push Press = 1x)

GASSER: 1 Minute Row Ladder


  1. Loree,Matt,Allyson=18 rounds
    Ben,Jeremy=30 rounds
    Dan,Adam=21 rounds
    Jerod,Jared,Eric=26 rounds
