Monday, November 7, 2011

Women Will NOT Get BIG!!!!!

Here's more proof that women will NOT get BIG from lifting heavy weights.

Violetta Varga
185kg. (407.74 lbs.)

Same women (Violetta Varga)

She doesn't look BIG to me!


  1. I'm pretty sure that she's been photoshopped, that, or this is just complete b.s!

  2. Sorry to disappoint you but this is for real. She trains hard and heavy, competes and breaks records. And she's hot!

    Why is so hard for people to believe and understand that women can be strong, sexy and beautiful. They don't have to starve themselves and do endless, useless hours of slow boring cardio to get thin, in shape, slim down, tone up, get fit or look sexy.

    Women can lift very heavy weights, get fit, get thin, get toned and be hot and sexy too!

    Click the link at the top right side of this page "CF Babes & Hunks" to see many sexy and beatiful women that train hard and lift heavy.
