Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Wed.3-11-09 WOD

Wed. 3-11-09 WOD: REMINDER-Saturday 3-28-09 is our Grand Opening Party Bring your friends and family
Warm Up
Shoulder Stretches
Push Ups
Sit Ups

WOD: AMRAP in 30 min.
10-Pull Ups
10-Man Makers (Man-Maker how to: From standing drop into a Burpee, Man-Maker how to: Do a Push-up, Man-Maker how to: Row with each arm, Man-Maker how to: Jump the feet forward, Man-Maker how to: Clean the dumbbells, Man-Maker how to: Press or Jerk them ..., Man-Maker how to: To full extension, then drop the DBs back to arm's length and repeat)


  1. 4 rounds in 30 mins, killer wkt out.

  2. I was expecting a certain someone from the 6am class to state that she will miss a few days after her "man-making". Maybe if you called it "man-breaking" she would love it more!
