Friday, July 18, 2014

And this is why we don’t have nice things …

And this is why we don’t have nice things …

Original post by: CrossFit Everett

Maybe you didn’t know that the 10# and 15# plates are NOT designed to be dropped? When you dump a set of 10# or 15# plates on a bar from the overhead or shoulder position, you are shortening the life of some very expensive equipment. The 10# and 15# plates simply can’t take the beating of repeated drops from above ground. See below …
2014-07-10 17.49.29.
You know, there’s a gym budget for buying cool things, adding rowers, GHDs, racks, upgrading equipment and replacing things that actually wear out.
This picture represents over a $600 expenditure for 10# & 15# plates that were not worn out but abused and misused.
It’s $600 that could have gone to a GHD or a new rower … but nope, we have to replace plates that should have lasted a number of years.

There is NO reason that our very expensive 10# & 15# Rogue plates should look like this.

This peeps, is the reason we don’t have more equipment …

A lot of people think that when you lift weights it means that you should slam them onto the floor when done. This is bad for a number of reasons.
  • One reason is obvious… it could break the equipment and/or damage the floor.
  • The second reason is that you could really hurt yourself if you don’t practice setting weights down in a controlled and easy fashion.
Check out this article by Greg Everett who is a lifting coach, bar none, on good practices for lowering the bar SAFELY!

Remember to have a plan for bailing if you get in trouble.

Ask your coach for suggestions if you are unsure about how to lower weight safely in a particular exercise.

And as a reminder about proper care of our equipment, please do not drop the following:
1. Empty bars
2. Bars loaded with only 15# or 10# plates exclusively
3. Kettlebells
4. Bars loaded with iron plates exclusively

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