Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wed. 10-21-09 WOD

Warm Up:
Shoulder Stretches
High Knees
Band Rows
Band Presss

Core Lift: Shoulder Strict Press
5 x 50%, 5 x 60%, 5 x 65%, 5 x 75%, 3 x 80%, 3 x 3 x 90%

WOD: 3 Rounds (HEAVY)
(Perform 10 KB Floor Presses then perform 10-BB Rack High Pulls, then 8 for each and finish with 6 for each)
10, 8, 6- KB Floor Presses
10, 8, 6-BB Rack High Pulls

Then Complete: 2 Rounds (Best Time)
30-Push Ups
30-MB Overhead Slams


  1. Julie's wed food log:
    meal1:protein shake(8oz h2o,1scoop pp,1/2 c blueberries,1tsp pb)1-16oz h2o
    meal2:fritta(turkey,spinach,cheese,mushroom)salad,1/2 c fruit,2-16oz h2o,1black coffee
    meal3:1egg+2egg whites,1apple,2tsp pb,1/4 c cottage cheese,4 stalks celery,2-16oz h2o
    meal4:8 almonds,1c watermelon,1boiled egg,1-16oz h2o


  2. Janet's Tues. FL
    Meal 1: prot.shake, 1/2banana,1tbs PB, 1 TBS flaxseed, H20
    Meal 2: 2 eggs, bacon, 1/2apple,H20
    Meal 3: 4 oz tuna,10z hard cheese,h20,sm handful pecans
    Meal 4: 5 oz.broiled salmon, 1cup+sauted greenbeans,h20
    activity: crossfit

  3. Chad 4:37
    Amy 5:00
    Sara 5:05
    Amber 6:03
    Sam 3:11
    Erika 4:12
    Kim 4:55
    Melissa 5:00
    Jack 5:18
    Bev. 10:21
    Carl 3:55
    Justin 3:48
    Eric 3:44
    Efrain 3:25
    Julie 4:04
    Ellen 4:18
    Lily 7:06
    Rich 2:10
    Indira 6:38
    Art 3:45
    AnneMarie 4:23
    Rhonda 5:40
    Phil 5:40
    Andy 2:45
    Jay 3:22
    Josh 3:35
    Sarina 4:10
    Ben 3:30
    Lindsay 4:38
    Janet 4:40
    Claudine 5:30
    Jeremy 2:10:31 (Almost beat Rich)
    Mehmet 2:26
    Glen 5:15
    Beth 5:50

  4. Julie's wed food log
    meal1:protein shake(8oz h2o,1scoop pp)1-16oz h2o
    meal2:1egg+2eggwhites,1/4 c cottage cheese,1apple,2tsp pb,2-16oz h2o,1black coffee
    meal3:1/2 chicken breast,1/2 apple,1/4c nuts,1-16oz h2o
    meal4:salad,4oz ground beef,1coffee,2-16oz h2o

