Monday, October 12, 2009

Tues. 10-13-09 WOD

1 min transverse jumping-jacks
1 min sagittal jumping jacks
1 min frontal jumping jacks

Teach whips, then 20 reps KB swing
Teach MB work, then 20 reps jumping lunges, 20 reps thrusters

WOD: 1 mi. work, 20 sec. rest, 4 Rounds Each Station

Sagittal whips uncoordinated.
Sagittal whips coordinated.

40 ft weighted sled pull
40 ft Alligator crawl.

Partner MB squat overhead toss
Partner MB back-to-back rotation

Cardio from Helloween!


  1. julie's mon food log:
    meal1:protein shake(8oz h20,1scoop pp,1/2 c blueberries,1tsp pb)1-16 oz h2o
    meal2:1/2 c oatmeal,1acoop pp,1/4 c cottage cheese,1 apple,1tsp pb,1c black coffee,2-16oz h2o
    meal3:spinach salad,3oz chicken,2-16 oz h2o
    meal4:6 oz turkey burger,salad,1c grn beans,2-16oz h2o,1 decaf coffee
    meal5:protein shake(8oz h2o,1scoop pp,1/2 c blueberries)4 stalks celery,2tsp pb


  2. Janet's Mon. FL
    7:00 Be True shake, with one raw egg, 1/2 banana, h20, 1 cup coffee,cream
    10:00 2 eggs, 5 prunes, 1oz. ched. cheese
    1:00 3oz ham, 1 slice cheese, 1/2 cup cott. cheese, h20
    5:00 4 oz. pork, mashed cauliflower with grated cheese,h20
    9:oo prot. shake with 2 tsp pb,h20
