Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Wed. 1-13-2010 WOD

Warm Up:

Shoulder Stretches


High Knees

Band Rows

Band Presss

Core Lift: Shoulder Strict Press

10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 65%,

5 x 5 x 75%

WOD: 3 Rounds (HEAVY)

(Perform 10-Floor KB Presses then perform 10-BB Rack High Pulls, then 8 for each and finish with 6 for each)

10, 8, 6-Floor KB Press

10, 8, 6-BB Rack High Pulls

Then Complete: 2 Rounds (Best Time)

30-Push Ups

30-KB Plank Rows

EA Youth "Darian- BIG D"
Push Presses 280 lbs. New P.R.

1 comment:

  1. Best Times:
    Doug 4:28
    Eddy 13:35
    Melissa 12:54
    Kim 7:51
    Tim 10:01
    Pat 8:02
    Carl 4:15
    Shelley 6:27
    Julie 10:56
    Jose 13:06
    Efrain 6:50
    Art 8:59
    6-Pack 4:11
    Sara 9:30
    Ryan 10:50
    Ave 10:13 (MOD)
    Ridgeo 5:21
    SAm 5:51
    Beth 7:23
