Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mon. 9-14-09 WOD

Warm Up: 5 reps each
Shoulder Dislocators
Bent Over Rows
High Pulls
Hang Cleans
Shoulder Press
Push Press
Back Squat
Reverse Lunge with Trunk Rotations

Core Lift: Back Squat
10 x 50%, 8 x 60%, 6 x 65%, 5 x 75%, 3 x 80%, 1 x 85%, 5 x 3 x 90%

WOD: 4 Rounds Best Time
30 yrds Walking lunge, carrying (Men 50-60 lb KB, Women 25-40 lb. KB)

Box Jump, 30 reps or (Step Ups weighted heavy 15 on each leg)


  1. Julie's food log for sun:
    snack1:1/2 chicken breast, 10 grape tomato,2 black coffee,1 16oz h2o
    meal;1 1/2 chicken breast, salad, 1c broccoli,1/4 peach,1decaf tea,2-16oz h2o
    meal2: 2oz turkey, 1/2 c cottage cheese,1 apple,4 stalks celery,1 1/2 tbsp pb,2 16oz h2o
    snack2:1/2 chicken breast,4 stalks celery,1tbsp pb,1 black coffee,2-16oz h2o
    meal3:4oz turkey burger,1/2 chicken breast,salad,,1c broccoli,1/4 peach,2-16oz h2o

    rest day

  2. Coach- Jeremy Sun. Food/Training:
    8:00am 4 whole organic eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cup whole organic milk, 1 banana, 16 oz. water,

    10:00am Be True Protein Shake, 16 oz. water

    11:30am Training:
    105 x 5, 145 x 5, 195 x 5, 215 x 5, 235 x 3, 255 x 3, 270 x 3 x 3

    Walking Lunges 30 yrds x 2

    Lat Pull Downs 140 x 10, 150 x 8, 160 x 6, 170 x 6

    DB Rows 90 x 5 x 3

    1:00pm Be True Protein Shake, 16 oz. water

    2:00pm Chili's for Lunch. Thanks Phil (BIG CHEAT MEAL)
    1 Coke, Chicken quesadillas

    5:00pm 6 oz. Steak, 2 cups mixed vegies, 1/4 pecans

    7:30pm 6 oz. steak, 16 oz. water

  3. Indira- Sunday
    meal1- 2 eggs, green beens,
    meal2- 1-2 oz chicken, 6-8 grape tomatoes, cucumber
    meal3- ate out - curry chicken w/potatoes, cucumber, 3-4 oz beef stew, decaf w/ cream and 1 small packet brown sugar, 1 oatmeal cookie
    meal4 - 2-3 oz steak

  4. You do not want to hear what I ate today. Needless to say, tomorrow starts my real diet, where I will be conscious about my total intake, what I stuff my face with and limit the bad stuff. More tomorrow!

  5. Janet's Sun.FL
    meal 1:1 cup cottage cheese, nectarine, coffee/cream/stevia, H20
    meal 2: 4oz. turkey br.,1/2 cup pineapple
    meal 4:steak 3oz. celery with 1 tbs PB
    meal 5: neighbors cook out..1 bratwurst, cheese, olives,sm bowl chili, H20 so good!

  6. Coach- Jeremy Mon. Food/Training:

    4:00am 4 whole organic eggs, 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 cip whole organic milk, 1 banana, 16 oz. water

    8:00am 4 hard boiled eggs, 1/4 cup pecans, 1 small apple, 16 oz. water

    12:00pm 6 oz. steak, 1 cup green beans, 1 cup arugula, 16 oz. water

    3:00pm Be True Protein Shake

    4:00pm Training (just bored so I thought I would play a little)

    Fat Bar Floor Presses 180 x 12 x 5

    KB Bottoms Up Press 40 x 10 x 5 each side

    5:00pm Be True Protein Shake, 16 oz. water

    8:00pm 6oz. Steak, 16 oz. water
