Friday, May 15, 2009

Dietary Fat Loading for Destroying Body Fat

Dietary Fat Loading for Destroying Body Fat, Part 2
By Eric Serrano, MD and Scott H. Mendelson

This is part two of a two-part series.
Flax versus fish oil

Many people ask why I don’t suggest flax seed oil for fat loss, and the answer is simple. People in their 30s typically have reduced activity levels of the crucial enzymes needed to convert the omega 6 within the flax to a “usable” omega 3 efficiently. As a result, the body will store the excess omega 6 as fat. Caffeine, high insulin, alcohol, and ephedrine all reduce the enzyme activity. We get a ton of omega 6 from the food supply, but omega 3 is severely lacking. Your supplemental fats should come from omega 3 based fish oil. No, you can’t get enough from eating fish. I don’t care if you ate fish for every meal. You still wouldn’t come anywhere close. Be careful. Don’t consume fish that are high in toxins or farmed raised fish, which have a diminished nutrient density.

Unfortunately, the waters around the world are polluted to a great extent. Therefore, fish will also contain a fair amount of toxins. The body will aim to protect you against the ingestion of toxins, therefore products high in toxins will be expelled all together. I designed the Alpha Omega, which contains ingredients that go through an expensive molecular distillation for toxin elimination. This is a very expensive process so a majority of companies will bypass this step in order to sell one million caps at $14.99. But believe me when I tell you, you get what you pay for, especially when it comes to fish oils.

The ratio of ingredients within any supplement is very important, which is why I have invested thousands of hours into perfecting what I call utilization efficiency. You can’t just slap together a few ingredients and expect them to interact well. There must be a method to the madness or there will be competition for absorption and ultimately wasted active ingredient. The inclusion of CLA, GLA, and Vitamin E add tremendous value, supporting accelerated fat loss and performance.

Amino load to elevate fat burning and performance and accelerate recovery
By definition, most fat loss plans involve a deficit of energy intake. One way to fill the gap to prevent low energy and promote peak performance is to Amino Load with 100% MR and Muscle Synthesis. This amino acid combo provides an alternative energy source throughout the day when taken between meals. In addition to preventing muscle break down, the huge influx of aminos makes the brain and muscles believe that a great deal of food has been consumed. As a result, the metabolic rate increases. However, there is nothing to burn except stored fat because the aminos have little caloric value. Providing a powerful alternative energy source, Amino Loading ensures elevated rates of performance and accelerated recovery.

Non-fat loading day
Dietary fats
30 percent
1.5 g–2 g per lean pound for males
0.8 g–1 g for lean pound for females

This is a low carbohydrate plan. Focus your intake on items such as high fiber green vegetables. All are ok except potatoes, peas, carrots, and corn.
Fat loading schedule

Men should fat load every fifth day initially. After four weeks, you can try increasing or decreasing the frequency of the fat loading days.
Women should fat load every 7th day for two weeks and then take two weeks off from fat loading before resuming again.

The best day for fat loading is the day following a leg training session. On the fat loading day, you can do a medium volume weight training workout. You can follow this cycle for up to a month at which time strategic carb loading should also be included in the plan. This will be a topic included in our next article.

Fat loading day guidelines
Take half of your lean body mass as a starting point in grams of dietary fat. In this case, we would use 100 g for a 200-lb man.

Your good fat intake breakdown is 70 percent of your total caloric intake on fat loading days (1–1.25 g of protein per lean pound of body weight for both men and women).
30 percent of fat intake saturated

Organic grass fed beef is the best choice because these cuts of beef retain fewer toxins in the fat cells. This can impact your general health and rate of progress.

· Whole eggs (organic preferred)
· Butter
· Heavy whipping cream

Initially, experiment with cheeses, but as you get closer to your fat loss goal, cut them out.

60 percent monounsaturated fats
· Extra virgin olive oil
· Raw nuts
· Avocado
· Natural peanut butter
· Alpha Omega

10 percent or less polyunsaturated fats
· Coconut oil

Here is one example of a highly effective fat loading plan specific to fat loss. Watch out for future articles regarding fat loading for muscle growth.

Example fat loading day for a 200-lb man

· 4–6 whole eggs
· 2 cups Spinach
· ¼ cup of cheddar cheese
· 3 Alpha Omega

Mid-morning amino load
· 1 scoop 100% MR
· 5 Muscle Synthesis caps

Snack one
· ½ cup raw nuts

· 8 oz Organic beef steak
· 2 cups broccoli
· 1 tablespoon butter
· 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
· 3 Alpha Omega

Mid-afternoon amino load
· 1 scoop 100% MR
· 5 Muscle Synthesis caps

Snack two
· 2 tablespoons natural peanut butter
· Celery

· 10–12oz oz salmon
· 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
· ½ avocado
· Salad (cucumbers, onions, spinach, etc.)
· 3 Alpha Omega

Pre-workout (30 minutes before training)
· 2–4 scoops 100% MR
· 10–20 Muscle Synthesis caps

Post-workout (immediately after exercise)
· 2–4 scoops 100% MR
· 10–20 Muscle Synthesis caps

30 minutes following training
· 6–10 scoops Get Lean protein

Non-fat loading day
· 10 oz lean protein (chicken sausages, turkey bacon, turkey sausage)
· 2 cups vegetables
· Cook with butter or olive oil (medium heat; no non-stick spray)
· 3 Alpha Omega

Mid-morning amino load
· 1 scoop 100% MR
· 5 Muscle Synthesis caps

Mid-morning snack
· 4–6 oz lean protein
· 2 cups assorted vegetables (spice accordingly)

· 8–10 oz buffalo burgers
· 2 cups vegetables

Mid-afternoon amino load
· 1 scoop 100% MR
· 5 Muscle Synthesis caps

Late afternoon snack
· 4–6 oz lean protein (skinless chicken, turkey, seafood)
· 2 cups assorted vegetables (spice accordingly)

30 minutes pre-workout
· 2–4 scoops 100% MR
· 10–20 Muscle Synthesis caps

Immediately after training
· 2–4 scoops 100% MR
· 10–20 Muscle Synthesis caps

30 minutes post-training
· 6 scoops Get Lean protein

60 minutes post-training (dinner)
· 8–10 oz fish or seafood
· 2 cups vegetables
· 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
· 3 Alpha Omega

Infinity Fitness INC provides training, fitness, and nutritional information for educational purposes. It is important that you consult with a health professional to ensure that your dietary and health needs are met. It is necessary for you to carefully monitor your progress and to make changes to your nutritional and fitness program to enjoy success. Infinity Fitness does not employ dieticians or health professionals and assumes no responsibility or liability for your personal health and condition.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. SST™, Superior Supplements and Training™, 100% MR™, Muscle Synthesis™, Muscle Synthesis Powder™, Alpha Omega M 3™, Amino Loading™, Fat Reduce™, Zero Tolerance Fat Loss Plan™, and Get Lean Protein™ ,Fat Loading™, Chronological Nutrition™ are Trademarks of Superior Supplements and Training LLC, OHIO USA. Your results may vary and depend on many factors. No Endorsements of any product or training system is intended, expressed or implied, by any athlete who may be pictured in illustration of this Article. Copyright © Infinity Fitness & Training Inc, OHIO USA 1999-2009, All Rights Reserved.

Scott H. Mendelson, author of the e-book, 100% Fitness Solution, and director of Infinity Fitness, is a highly regarded performance nutrition and training specialist. In addition to his celebrity and executive clients, Scott works daily with professional athletes from the NFL, NHL, MLB, and NCAA. He has built an excellent reputation providing effective supplements, cutting-edge information, customized programs, and unmatched service to thousands of clients worldwide. Scott is the special assistant to Eric Serrano, MD, and helps with the design of training and nutrition programs for Serrano’s family practice patients in Columbus, Ohio.

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