Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Thrs. 2-25-2010 WOD



10am after Sat. morning Boot Camp

$25.00/person ONLY 15 Spots Available!!

Do you hurt when you run? Do you suffer from shin splints, knee or hip pain? Improving your running efficiency may be the key to running both pain free and faster.

You will learn the POSE running techniques in this seminar and spend two full hours with a certified CrossFit Endurance Coach learning the fundamentals of proper and efficient run technique.
Learn how to utilize CrossFit and minimize oxidative overload to improve the performances of both your short distance and endurance distance runs
Our Coaches are experts in strength and conditioning for endurance athletes.They have extensive experience in programming and in turning the mediocre performer into a great athlete!

All proceeds from this seminar will go directly to the EA Youth Club to help support our local Lee County Youth in their quest for better health, wellness and fitness. Learn more at


WOD: 4 rounds timed- 2 Teams

Sled Push 20’ down & back

Sprint 30’

Row 200m

Farmers Carry to end of drive & back

1 comment:

  1. Best Times & weights carried
    *(lbs.) each hand*

    Beth 18:50 (40)
    Evan 18:48 (45)
    Joann 17:28 (40)
    Doug 13:29 (60)
    Julie 27:26 (40)
    Efrain 13:28 (60)
    Arthur 23:34 (70)
    Fran 20:59 (30)
    AnneMarie 18:38 (40)
    6-Pack 20:10 (60)

    Night Class: Teams

    Team Lindsay 29:10 (45-70)
    Lindsay, Emilio, Peter, Jeremy

    Team Sarina 27:42 (45-70)
    Sarina, Brian, Glen, Joe
