Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fri. 10-2-09 WOD

Warm Up: 5 reps each
Shoulder Dislocators
Bent Over Rows
High Pulls
Hang Cleans
Shoulder Press
Push Press
Back Squat
Reverse Lunge with Trunk Rotations

Core Lift: Sumo Deadlift
10 x 50%, 8 x 60 %, 6 x 70%, 3 x 75%, 2 x 80%, 4 x 4 x 85%

WOD: Complete 6 Rounds
Rest 1-2 min. between rounds
10- Pull Ups Strict
10 – HEAVY KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls


  1. Indira - Thursday
    meal1-1/2 chicken breast, cooked veg, decaf w/ half and half
    meal2-protein shake w/ 1 mango
    meal3-grilled beef w/ cooked veg
    meal4-1 pear, 1 bowl homemade trukwy chili w/ beans
    meal5-1/2 chicken breast, fish w/ cooked veg and yellow pepper
    water - 2 1/2L

  2. Julie's thurs food log:
    meal1:1egg+2egg white,2 apples,1tbsp pb,1 black coffee,2-16oz h2o
    meal2:protein shake(8oz h2o,1scoop pp,1/2 c bluwberries,1tsp pb),1black coffee,1-16oz h2o
    meal3:protein shake(8oz h2o,1scoop pp)1/2 apple,5 walnuts,5almonds,1-16oz h2o
    meal4:6oz shrimp,salad,1/4 c cottage cheese,1/2 apple,1decaf tea,2-16oz h2o
    meal5:protein shake(8oz h2o,1scoop pp)1/4 c nuts,3 dried kiwi slices,4dried strawberries,2-16oz h2o

  3. James: thursday food log

    Meal 1: 4 eggs, 4oz bacon, 16oz water

    Meal 2: 16oz water, 6oz steak

    Meal 3: green beans, 16oz water, 8oz chicken

    Meal 4: Protein Shake (water, banana, 45g proten powder)

    Meal 5: 4oz bacon, 8oz tuna, 16oz h2o, pickles
